This is the most difficult phase for marketing
Generally, in B2B, 2% of your visitors will leave their details. With an inbound marketing strategy, we can hope to see this figure double to 4% on average. From a lead to an MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) :when you consider that a lead is considered to be ‘hot’ and ready to be contacted by the sales team. For those people still doing things manually, for many that means checking a company credentials and if they meet your target market expectations.For example, at Plezi, that would mean a B2B company that has Phone Number Data informative content and a blog. For companies who use a Marketing Automation solution, a score is associated to the data collected and the navigation of the site from a lead. When that lead hits a certain score, it is transformed into an MQL and will be automatically sent to to the sales team through the CRM. Statistically, we have seen that 1 in 2 leads are converted into an MQL. From an MQL to an SQL (Sales Qualified Leads or Opportunities.
What is considered an SQL, or a Business Opportunity, can be qualified using the BANT method: B – Budget A – Authority – if that person is the decision-maker N- Need – If there is a need or a problem T – Time – the timeframe for a decision The definition of an SQL can differ from company to company, It can often be the moment a quote is sent that brings these aspects together.