Labor law, also called labor law, is a branch of private law that is responsible for regulating the legal relationship between workers and employers, based on labor principles and laws. Browse this content: show Labor law is one of the most important branches of private law for society. After all, there is no way to understand politics, economics and social relations anywhere without also understanding work relations. According to the 2019 “ Justice in Numbers ” survey , carried out by the National Council of Justice (CNJ), labor processes are responsible for 12% of all procedural demand in the country. It is, therefore, a very fertile field for lawyers to work. And it is a field that, with the changes presented by the Labor Reform in 2017 and the Declaration of Economic Freedom Rights of 2019, should have an even greater demand.
This article aims to present introductory concepts of labor law, such as what it is, its history, its guiding principles and the main changes in labor reforms in the area. Continue reading below! What is Albania Phone Number labor law? Labor law, also called labor law, is a branch of private law that is responsible for regulating the legal relationship between workers and employers, based on labor principles and laws. The Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) and the Federal Constitution of 1988 govern the norms and rules that establish the minimum criteria for this relationship to be harmonious and lawful, preserving the rights of both parties and the human dignity of the worker. As we will see throughout this article, labor law is one of the most important branches of private law for today's society, as the relationship between human beings and work goes beyond the need for income to live. What are labor laws for? Within contemporary social relations, a person's social function is generally established based on the role they play in their work.
It is not uncommon, when meeting someone, to ask yourself their name and “what they do/what they work on”. Work, therefore, does not just have the role of guaranteeing income. It is through it that we meet people, establish relationships and fit into society. Even so, the legal relationship of work (in a contract made between two parties) is important to guarantee the worker's livelihood and, mainly, his protection and security, since this relationship is unequal, with one party less favored than the other. other. The worker offers the employer his skills, labor power and time, while the employer offers him money. This contractual relationship for work, naturally disproportionate, needs to be protected by specific laws that guarantee support to the under-insured party (the worker).