In light accessible language. ask questions in a question. Posting such will bring chaos nothing more. Do not use emotionally charged words try to find neutral synonyms because such words may distort the perception of the survey making its results unreliable. Suggestive questions should be avoided for example "What is the negative impact of computer games on young people " Such a question clearly suggests computer games negatively affect young people. Similarly do not.
Use phrases like "As everyone knows As you know" etc. Don't use impersonal questions. directly. You can "call" You to adults Mr. Mrs. and to young people. Intimate delicate questions should be placed last. Divide the Country Email List survey into thematic sections do not jump from topic to topic. Start a group of questions with a general or filtering question then delve deeper into the field. First easy questions then difficult ones. Where to take the survey It's easiest on the Internet! Now I would like to add some tips.
Regarding Internet surveys. First of all the excess gives a headache and the cursor hovers over the red cross that closes the survey. Therefore when preparing it remember not to overdo it with the number of screens. – screens will be the optimal number because with screens the abandonment rate is only % and with it is % percent! The smaller the number of screens the less time will be needed to complete such a survey and remember that Internet users are lazy animals so the shorter the questionnaires the.