This allows you to start small and keep development costs low. A lab-type contract is a form in which the development company composes a dedicated team of engineers with skills that meet the client's requests, and they receive a monthly development fee for a fixed period of time (about 6 months to 1 year) to proceed with development. refers to. Lab-type contracts are often used for offshore development.
Offshore development refers to a method of outsourcing and ordering to overseas engineers in order to keep development costs low. If you hire a Japanese engineer, the cost will inevitably increase, so keep in mind that there are contract types that Special Data require you to hire an overseas engineer. Leave the system development to GIG At GIG, we provide high-quality system development with the support of the system development know-how and knowledge we have cultivated over the years, including the production of recruitment services and real estate introduction service sites, and large-scale CRM development projects that utilize vast amounts of data. We have achieved this goal.
We work closely with each company and provide optimal solutions based on our extensive system development experience.What comes to mind is my previous job's website. SEO is particularly strong, with 8 million UUs at its peak, and I think there are still around 4 million UUs. I think it's a pretty successful site for a customer attraction site created from scratch. The reason for this result was that we were able to rank high in various long tail KWs.